Monday, August 12, 2013

Sushi: A sudden millennial world famous product

The success in the food depends on many variables that go beyond the evaluation of our taste buds.
For the food lover (and who writes), food is an experience that also includes smell, sight and hearing in a strange case. The sushi was created as a simple food that unites the most common and abundant in Japan - rice - with a companion in infinite varieties. However, its exoticism, its delicate design and probably some social phenomenon transformed it into a meal in vogue worldwide.
Sushi is a Japanese dish based on cooked rice seasoned with rice vinegar, sugar, salt and other ingredients such as fish or shellfish. This dish is one of the most renowned of Japanese cuisine and one of the most internationally popular and recommended by nutritionists.
Although commonly associated with the sushi with fish and seafood, vegetables can also lead or egg, or even any other companion. In addition, traditional fresh rice accompanying need not always be raw (mostly grilled). Preparations also included boiled, fried or marinated. Ie that the name refers to sushi rice preparation and accompaniment, although relevant taste, does not make the dish itself. While a variety of sushi accompaniments internationally recognized and used, it is best that each region typical accompaniments take place fish or fruits of the region that are identified with the taste and the local cuisine. However, you should refrain from using raw freshwater fish, since, unlike ocean fish may contain salmonella.
The sushi is generally prepared in small portions, about the size of a bite, and can take various forms.
· If you serve the fish and rice rolled in a sheet of seaweed called nori maki ('roll').
· If it is a kind of rice dumpling covered by talk of nigiri fish.
· When fish presents stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu is called inari.
· You can also use a bowl of sushi rice with pieces of fish and other ingredients above, then called chirashizushi.
Outside Japan the name sushi refers only to the most common varieties such as maki or nigirizushi; curiously tends to extend the sashimi, a dish of raw fish without rice.
His story: the first reference appears around the year 800 AD as a means of trade. From then on, the well slowly changed and Japanese cuisine. The Japanese started eating three meals a day, boiled rice became rather than steamed, and most importantly, they invented the rice vinegar. While still making sushi with rice fermented, the fermentation time was reduced gradually and began to eat rice with fish.
In the early eighteenth century, was perfected in Osaka and came to Edo (now Tokyo) in the middle of that century. These require a small sushi fermentation time, so shopping warned customers waiting when the sushi was ready. The sushi was sold also close during hanami parks and theaters as a kind of refreshing. During the Edo period, the most popular types of sushi were the inarizushi, the oshizushi, maki and chirashizushi.
A mid-nineteenth century, was invented Kantō variety of nigirizushi. It was a kind of sushi unfermented and you could eat with your hands (or using bamboo sticks). This new variety was the beginning of sushi as fast food in Japan. These early nigirizushi were not equal to the current varieties. The fish marinaba in soy sauce or vinegar or salted much, so it was not necessary to dip the sushi in soy sauce.
Finally, the advent of modern refrigeration early twentieth century allowed sushi made fresh fish last longer. In the late twentieth century began to gain importance sushi and popularity worldwide.

The largest sushi in the world! 

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