Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Communist Party of China: 20% of the world population still under the regime.


Heavily influenced by its proximity to the country where it originates ideology, communism emerged
in China after the fall of Tsarism in Russia. Another new stage of the class struggle between rural and urban aristocracy. Twenty-five years were necessary for the party to reach popular enough to displace the ruling government. As World War condemned the tsarist Russia, the war with Japan meant the end of the Nationalist party in China. Today the CCP is the main focus of communism in the world, but now much more moderate than in origin.
The Chinese Communist Party is the political party that governs the PRC. With over 71 million members is one of the largest political organizations mundo.Tras its founding in 1921, the Communist Party of China became one of the most influential political groups in China. In 1949, the army of the party, called the People's Liberation Army defeated the Chinese Nationalist Party in the Chinese Civil War. CPC leader at the time, Mao Zedong proclaimed the new Republic, under the leadership of the Communist Party.
The stage where Mao took power of the Communist Party and the People's Republic was characterized by intense campaigns and ideological economic reforms as the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution. After Mao's death in 1976, his successor Hua Guofeng would easily be able to, you end up in the hands of Deng Xiaoping, pragmatic leader would alter the ideological base of the party allowing a number of institutional and economic reforms that would encourage the adoption of economic models capitalistic development. These reforms would intensify with the successors, Jiang Zemin and then first Hu Jintao, the current Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and President of the Republic of China.
The Communist Party of China is one of the largest political organizations in the world and currently has over 70 million members. The Party has a presence in all areas of Chinese life, controlling the different levels of government and workplaces and educational institutions.

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