Human civilization, as modern and boastful, forgets, sometimes, the destructive power of nature. In Culture in 10 already discussed when studying volcanoes and tornadoes. Today, we present the San Andreas Fault, causing a most seismically active region of the world and they demonstrated throughout history its destructive power to the point that one day "the island of Baja California", will be separated from the Americas.

It is considered that the Baja California peninsula formed by this fault. This same process is moving to the city of Los Angeles toward San Francisco Bay (both are on the same side of the fault) at a rate of about 4.5 cm per year. This can not be perceived with the naked eye, but has caused extensive damage to engineering works such as aqueducts, roads and farms. As a result of this failure numerous earthquakes originate, having befallen some of considerable magnitude as those of 1857, extending from Parkfield to El Cajon (estimated magnitude: 8.0), the San Francisco of 1906 (estimated magnitude 7.2) , or the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, near Santa Cruz, California (magnitude 7.1) and El Centro in 1940.
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