Tupac Amaru II: First emancipatory spirit of America
The struggle for American independence came long before Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar. As
always, a man was born "mestizo", educated and wealthy class but in this particular case with indigenous past. Their
desires unlike (advanced?) Europeans were not based on greed, power and
conquest, but on the return of freedom for ancient people who had shown
to be more civilized than the European barbarians. Tupac Amaru II, first emancipatory spirit of America.
Gabriel Condorcanqui Noguera, mostly known as Tupac Amaru II, was the
son of Miguel Condorcanqui and Rosa Noguera, a descendant of Tupac Amaru
I, the last Inca of Peru, who was executed by the Spanish in the
sixteenth century. José Gabriel for Indian status Noble studied at the Colegio San Francisco de Borja in Cusco and he had a good education. He
led the so-called Great Rebellion began on November 4, 1780 with the
capture and subsequent execution, the corregidor Antonio de Arriaga by
Jose Gabriel and his men.
He was a mestizo origin in the blood that converged Sapa Inca Tupac Amaru with the Creoles. In
fact, for a large part of his life, having been raised to 12 years by
the native priest Antonio Lopez de Sosa and then at Colegio San
Francisco de Borja, showed a preference for the Creole and came to
dominate Latin and refined using Hispanic clothing, but later dressed as a noble Inca and was excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
was the first to demand the release of all American of any dependence
of both Spain and its monarch,
implying not only mere political
separation but the elimination of various forms of indigenous (mita
mining, freight distribution, mills). Also decreed the abolition of black slavery in America first. His
movement was a watershed, due to which the colonial authorities to
indigenous class eliminated noble and increased the repression against
the Andean, for fear that something repeated again.He
was the first to demand the release of all American of any dependence
of both Spain and its monarch, implying not only mere political
separation but the elimination of various forms of indigenous (mita
mining, freight distribution, mills). Also decreed the abolition of black slavery in America first. His
movement was a watershed, due to which the colonial authorities to
indigenous class eliminated noble and increased the repression against
the Andean, for fear that something repeated again.
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